About Me

Hi, I’m Kenysha! I worked in corporate finance for 20 years before achieving financial independence and semi-retirement in my early forties. Now I work as a planning expert in a variety of ways related to career planning, money planning, etc, helping steer 6-figure earners from overwhelmed, stressed and behind in life and with money to being in control of their health and wealth, with plenty of time and money for handbags, travel, or sitting still and allowing the comfort of ease of mind to permeate.

In addition to my work as a life planning expert and money coach, I’m also a luxury lover in a minimalist way. I enjoy life’s finer things but am mindful of my spending. I love sharing tips on saving money on luxury items and living a more intentional and fulfilling life as well as planning ahead for early retirement. 

I’m also a big believer in giving back and support the organization Steven’s Wings, a non-profit organization that empowers underprivileged youth through travel and cultural exploration, as tresurer. I’m passionate about using my skills and experience to make a difference

• I have over 20 years of experience in the financial industry.
• I’m a certified project management professional and series 6 & 63 licensed professional.
• I’m passionate about helping people achieve their financial and personal goals.
• I’m down-to-earth and approachable.
• I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Ready to get started? Email kbotconsultingllc@gmail.com to book a free 30 minute consultation today.

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